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Amazon | brickfox reservation logic for pending orders

A "pending order" on Amazon is always an inventory management challenge for multi-channel online retailers. The "pending order" usually refers to an intermediate status with a completed shopping cart but an open payment process. The reason for this can be, among other things, a check of the payment method, which in unfortunate cases can take several days. During this period, an inventory update in the ERP or inventory management system is not useful, as it is unclear whether the order will even be completed. However, if the product is still available, the inventory may be emptied. If the "pending order" is now completed, there is a risk of overselling. Unhappy customers and "unpleasant" Amazon penalties would be the consequences that must be avoided. The smart solution: reservation logic in eCommerce management.

Online retailers who use brickfox Multichannel eCommerce as control software for their multi-channel business benefit from cross-channel inventory management that takes into account an individually definable reservation logic. The retailer decides whether and for how long a product should be reserved. The brickfox software's inventory management takes the reservation into account in the inventory update of the sales channels, but only informs the merchandise management or ERP system when the order has been completed. Overselling is therefore a thing of the past.

Status – “Pending Order” Amazon

  • Completed shopping cart
  • No completed order
  • Reason may be the verification of the payment method, e.g. Amazon could not receive authorization for the buyer's credit card and asks for another payment method
  • May take up to 10 days
  • Risk of overselling during inventory update in WaWi/ERP
  • Inventory update in sales channels necessary as pending order may be completed
  • Use brickfox reservation logic for inventory updates in sales channels

Solution – brickfox reservation logic

brickfox customers who would like to set up a reservation logic for pending Amazon orders should contact the brickfox Support. A member of the brickfox support team will contact you.


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