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Marketplaces and platform economy | brickfox in conversation

Platform economy is one of the current buzzwords in eCommerce. It describes the interaction between retailers and buyers on an eCommerce marketplace or in an eCommerce portal. The logic is simple: the more retailers offer their products on an online marketplace, the more interesting the marketplace becomes for customers. Traffic increases. And the more customers shop on a marketplace, the more interesting the marketplace becomes for retailers. Win win. A simple cycle with enormous potential.

In this sense, in addition to the possibility of "getting involved" in marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, Otto Market & Co., there is also the option of setting up your own marketplace. The urgency to act in order to be at the forefront has reached the retail sector. Not only among the big global players, but also among medium-sized companies. But how do you professionally integrate external product ranges and retailers into your own eCommerce? How do you make an eCommerce system marketplace-ready?

An important component of successful marketplace projects is a sustainable strategy and therefore, among other things, the right data management software. One of the leading data management solutions for setting up a marketplace or eCommerce portal is the brickfox software. With over 20 years of experience in eCommerce, multichannel eCommerce and the marketplace business, brickfox can draw on extensive expertise in marketplace and multi-marketplace projects. Whether for the simple integration of external suppliers and manufacturers into your online shop or the development of an eCommerce marketplace – brickfox managing directors Martin Haak and Torsten Blümel know what is important in terms of software in the marketplace business. You know the different requirements of your dealers and their projects in detail. You know which implementation makes sense in which constellation. In the current interview with Radical Growth Evangelist Dietmar Hölscher (NETFORMIC GmbH) you give a little insight into the world behind the scenes of the platform economy.

Listen now and gain valuable knowledge!

Interview Platform Economy | Image Martin Haak, Torsten Blümel & Dietmar Hölscher

If you would like to know more about the brickfox marketplace software or already have individual project requirements that you would like to discuss, the brickfox marketplace experts will be happy to answer your questions.

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