Become a retailer on Gü!

Your Gü interface for online shop, ERP & Co.

guenstiger Schnittstelle brickfox

Achieve global presence through Google Shopping Ads

Expand your horizons and reach new customers worldwide by publishing your products internationally through Google Shopping Ads. With gü you have the chance to strengthen your presence in global markets and increase your sales.

Use targeted placement for prospective buyers

Use the specific target group on the Gü price comparison pages to present your products exactly where customers interested in buying are actively looking for offers. Through targeted placement on our pages, you can attract the attention of potential buyers and increase your sales.

Effective sales opportunities through internal tracking

Turn visitors into customers by optimising your sales opportunities. With Gü’s in-house tracking system, you can analyse the performance of your offers and make adjustments to improve your conversion rates and boost your sales.

Flexibility and freedom without hidden fees

Enjoy the flexibility and freedom that gü offers you. With no minimum contract term or hidden fees, you can easily showcase your products and benefit from the advantages of our platform. Discover new opportunities for your business and increase your success!

Optimise your processes with brickfox

Benefit from linking your online shop, ERP system or merchandise management system with Gü and other markets. With the brickfox Gü interface, you can automatically export your product data, import orders and update stocks on various platforms – all according to your own rules and specifications.

guenstiger brickfox pim
guenstiger brickfox datenaustausch uch

Channel-specific data processing and PIM utilisation

Use the brickfox eCommerce PIM for customised preparation of your product data. The Gü interface is available with or without shop control, depending on your shop system, so that you can flexibly customise how your products are presented.

Clear and efficient management of your online trade

The brickfox Multichannel Middleware Hub gives you centralised control of all sales channels. With automation and integration, it offers a simple and effective way to control and optimise your sales activities.

guenstiger brickfox schnittstelle